How is your workplace addressing diversity amongst its employees?
Challenge: According to a Glassdoor survey, 76% of employees said a diverse workforce was important when evaluating companies and job offers.
Solution: Stoute Communications offers individualized diversity consulting Illinois services to companies across the United States. We offer step by step guidance on how to get started with creating customized diversity goals and developing an action plan for implementation. Meet the needs your diverse employees and offer the resources that they need to be successful inthe workplace and beyond. Learn how to create an inclusive community with workplace diversity consulting Illinois today!
Company Diversity Consulting Illinois services include:
- Employee complaint resolution
- Developing an inclusion statement
- Coaching for leaders surrounding gaining inclusion awareness and increasing empathy
- Starting an ERG (employee resource group)
- Guidance on how to create an inclusive workplace
- Facilitate conversations surrounding inclusion topics
Benefits of Workplace Diversity Consulting Illinois:
- Organizations create their unique inclusion journey
- The consultant offers guidance and expertise
- Can assist in mediating issues and faciliate discussions around concerns
- Provides a neutral perspective and can work with leaders in pushing initiatives forward
Looking for diversity training? Stoute Communications offers an interactive and reflective inclusion training for professionals at all levels. See our inclusion training reviews on the homepage
Check out our inclusion training topics here. We also offer inclusion training for leaders. Stoute Communications is headquarted in Chicago.